Just when you thought your day couldn't get any better - we announce that LaVida is now stocking floor rugs.

We have wanted to bring this homeware into our range for a long time, but we have never been able to find the right supplier, the right products or the right price point.  As you know we have a strict criteria on quality and suppliers so its not been easy to find exactly what we were looking for - until now.

We have just added 18 brand new rugs to our website and even given them their very own category - see here.

Made from a range of materials including leather, cotton, jute and beautiful blends and also available in a wide range of styles and designs.  I think there will be something for every style and budget in this range.  These wholesale only rugs also come in a variety of sizes, so perfect for any size store to display.

Take a look through the range below and see what would work for your customers and give rugs a go!

Visit our

category for more great products like these below:

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